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Differences between Liveness and Readness Probes

Liveness Probe

Liveness Probe is used to check if the container is still alive. If the container is not alive, Kubernetes will restart it.

    path: /healthz
    port: 8080
  initialDelaySeconds: 5
  periodSeconds: 10

Readness Probe

Readness Probe is used to check if the container is ready to serve requests. If the container is not ready, Kubernetes will not send requests to it.

    path: /readyz
    port: 8080
  initialDelaySeconds: 10
  periodSeconds: 5

Key Differences Between Liveness and Readiness Probes

FeatureLiveness ProbeReadiness Probe
PurposeCheck if the application is "alive" or stuck.Check if the application is "ready" to serve traffic.
Action on FailureKubernetes will restart the container if the probe fails repeatedly.Kubernetes stops routing traffic to the container but doesn't restart it.
Use CaseDetect unresponsive applications (e.g., deadlocks, crashes).Ensure only healthy and ready containers handle traffic.
Restart BehaviorYes, the container is restarted.No, the container is not restarted, just temporarily removed from service.
ExamplesApplication stuck in a deadlock, memory leaks, crashes.Application loading config files, warming up caches.
Impact on Pod's TrafficNo impact unless the container restarts.Traffic will stop being routed to the pod if readiness fails.